8 Powerful Ways and Words to Express Gratitude-Shree Dembla

What a wonder to have food on your plate and a blessing to have a job that pays your bills. The power of gratitude is undeniable, bringing magic to life. We are grateful for almost everything we own, from our homes and food to the opportunities that cross our paths. However, we sometimes face a dilemma about the ways and words to express gratitude. You must have read blogs guiding you on the need to express gratitude. This write-up is going to be something different. Take 5 minutes out of your precious time to know the 8 most effective words and ways to express gratitude.

 8 Ways to Express Gratitude

  • Be Vocal- Believe me, this is one of the most effective ways to express gratitude towards the people you are thankful to. Someone has lent a hand to take you out of some unusual situation? Speak up and express gratitude a thousand times. Be expressive to the people who work for you and work with you every day. The more you will be verbal, the more you will have instances of expressing further thankfulness.
  • Give a Gift- Giving gifts might not attract most of you, as it is not the only way to express gratitude. But always remember, whatever formal it might look, it is still one of the best ways to express gratitude. Try to create something from your own hands. The feeling it carries and the emotions it embarks surpass every other emotion that follows while gifting something expensive. You can give them a handmade card, picture frame or anything they love.
  • Write a letter- Don’t get surprised by the idea of writing a letter. It seems so old school but has the power of being one of the best ways to express gratitude. Write a letter with your hands to the person you love and to the one who helped you. The time, patience, and emotions involved cannot overshadow materialistic things.
  • Give your Time- The problem with this generation is that they don’t have time. Whether it is time to listen patiently, standstill, and support. You can respect a person and express gratitude by listening, understanding, and acting accordingly. Dissuading all the luxuries of life, it is indeed one of the best gifts if you want to be thankful to someone.
  • Acts of Modesty- If you feel blessed enough get involved in the random acts of humility. If you see an aged vendor selling something you don’t need, don’t hesitate to buy for the sake of encouraging and helping. Your few bucks might help him survive that day. And this is indeed one of the best ways to express gratitude to God for the luxuries he has bestowed on you.
  • Start Writing- You often attract what you write or preach. Start creating a gratitude diary or journal. Write everything you are grateful for. Do it daily for 21 days until you see a noticeable difference in your life. The words you write repeatedly buzz in your mind, often pushing you towards your goals and aims.  
  • Remain attached to nature- If you breathe today, be thankful for the clean surroundings. There are a lot of things gifted by nature. And if you want to express gratitude for your survival, be a part of nature. Plant trees, water them, live with them and sing along. When you adopt this way of thankfulness, you attract positive qualities like humility, kindness, love, and patience.
  • Take Time For Prayer- Believe, and you are halfway there. Praying to the deity every day is the best way to express gratitude. Take 5 minutes of your daily schedule to create spiritual connectivity. God answers your unheard prayers, and you become emotionally stable.

These are not just ways to express gratitude, a lifestyle to adopt if you want to live life gracefully. Try adopting them gradually to witness a revolutionary change in your life.     

8 Powerful Words to Express Gratitude

Saying Thank You seems so casual someone has done something unforgettable and extraordinary for you. And for that extra effort that person has poured in, you need a gratitude dictionary to create emotions. Read below for the 8 powerful words to express gratitude:

  • I can’t be thankful enough for this- When you don’t just want to say Thank You, choose these words over anything. Though simple, these words have the power to create a long-lasting connection. Use these for your workmates, helpers, children or anyone you feel thankful to.   
  • What Would I have done without you- These words feel so satisfying. And when you express your gratitude this way, you create strong bonds that last a lifetime. Some people are always there in our thick and thin. These words suit them, and they deserve to know they matter in your life.
  • I am short of words to thank you enough- When you are on the horns of a dilemma, and someone helps you to get out of the situation, they need to know it. These are the exact thoughts that come to your mind. Start praising them using these words with further praise of thankfulness.
  • I will be happy to return the favour- This is one of the best words to express gratitude. When someone has done a favour for you, be expressive to tell them that you will wait to do something for them one day. Nothing impresses people these days than support in need.
  • I am Honored- These are some of the most powerful words to express gratitude. These simple words can change the way you share relation with the other person.
  • I will never forget the help you lent- Time changes, but words stay. When you say this to someone, they mean it and take your words seriously.   
  • People like you are no less than a blessing- What powerful vibrations these words can create. Just think, if you hear these exact words from someone how would you feel? These words restore faith in humanity and help keep kindness alive in this fast-paced world.
  • I am lucky to have you- Say this to someone you adore and love to change the way you share a relationship with them.

There is a lot to be thankful and unthankful. Focusing on the positive by using these ways and words can change your life for the good. Try to adopt these today and feel how blessed you are!


Shree Dembla

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