Mental Health Awareness September: Life’s Resurrection-Shree Dembla

Have a lovable family, food on the plate, and a few friends? You’re blessed than 90% of people around. And when there’s a way out for every chaos we have been into, why quit?

Why Mental Health Awareness September?

 In this day and age, when conquering the moon and Mars seems no big league, would you trust talking about suicide to be still a taboo? A person visiting a therapist or psychiatrist is not so ordinary in a country with 1.428 billion population. Mental health complications such as depression and anxiety ending in suicide are believed to be a “rich man’s disease”. All of this is happening when we have the world in our hands. The actuality clarifies that we humans have failed to understand the intensity of mental health problems. Despite knowing the persisting ailment, the society labels one being depressed as crazy or retard. It is to console those who suffer and to make ” the unaware  aware”, taking initiatives such as mental health awareness September is crucial. 

Suicide Prevention Month 2024

A whopping 7000000 people globally give up forever amidst financial issues, mental health disorders, violence, and abuse. The year 2024 denotes mental health awareness September as “Start the conversation”. The theme from 2024-2026 is “Changing the Narrative on Suicide”. Breaking it down in simple words means transforming the way people perceive suicide and normalize the conversation.

Many individuals take their own lives because mental illness is still stigmatized, and seeking help is often seen as a weakness. All of us must step up, start conversations, listen attentively, offer unwavering support, and keep a vigilant watch if we see signs of suicide. It’s imperative not to turn a blind eye to the signs of suicidal behavior. This responsibility not only falls on individuals but also the government.

Why there’s an uncatchable surge in suicide cases in India?

The ’90s will be the last generation to witness how societies united, how people loved being open, and how families functioned mutually with patience. Back then, life was sober, beautiful and non-flashy. Years ahead have surely made us progressive, but not healthy. We suffered a great loss mentally and physically. Below are the main reasons why suicides happen:

  • Economic crisis- Don’t be shocked to know that the suicide rate for men in India is 2.6 times more than females. And the most prominent reason is financial depression. The sufferer often finds himself a failure as the only breadwinner. This vicious circle of not being able to fulfill basic needs and a desire to accomplish compels a person to end life forever.
  • Isolation and unkindness- If societies had been as compassionate as they used to be, the mental health crisis would have been absent. The urge to convey, speak and share remains unachieved, increasing the number.
  • Social media- Social media is both a blessing and a curse. It has brought the world to our fingertips, but it also forces us to conform to others. The pressure to fit in and not appear different leads people to unfair means and sometimes to end their lives. blessing because it has brought the world into our fists and veto as it forces us to be in line with others. This age of showing off to not look singular forces people to use unfair means and ultimately end life sometimes.

Ways to Keep Mental Health Issues at a Bay

  • Spiritual Awareness is the Key- Rightly said” God loves each of us, as if we are the only one in existence. Whenever there are thoughts questioning our very existence, believe in the power of the divine. Connecting yourself with the divine can help people experience hope, love, and kindness. All those negative emotions wither away when we adopt the deity’s path that opens the world for us.
  • Mindfulness Meditation- Whether being a sufferer or a non-sufferer, practice it regularly. Apart from healing our minds religiously, it brings balance of emotions. It makes one aware of their body, thereby allowing awareness of the senses.
  • Digital Detox- Make this a habit if you want to live a joyful life. Follow it not just for once a week or a month but every day. Spend time with your family, have a conversation with them, go on a vacation (with no social media) or play games.     

Possible Signs of Suicide Requiring Call to Action

Humans often have the tendency to respond when it’s the story of their own lives. However, when we are bestowed upon this life by the almighty together, it’s our responsibility to act if something unnatural is happening around us. If you observe any of the below-stated warning signs of suicide as listed by the National Institute of Mental Health, in the people you know, don’t hesitate to listen and love:

  • Talking openly about suicide- Always remember the one who has taken birth, doesn’t want to die. One day or the other, the signs of suicide are visible. The sufferers often feel unbearable pain, hopeless, powerless or trapped. A feeling of guilt or shame defeats them and they believe they are a burden on their loved ones. All of these thoughts come out openly, and all we need to do is to open an ear.
  • Changes in Behaviour or Mood- This can be the next stage after openness. Ones feeling down, often display a gradual shift in their behaviour. Increased alcohol or drug use, lacking interest in personal appearance, expressing rage and recklessness, becoming violent, and recent suicide attempts are some warning signs.

We Can All Prevent Suicide

Understanding what your loved one is going through is the first step towards prevention of suicide. The point is to not take anything lightly and act upon it as and when observed.

  • Hope is Alive- Suicide is not easy for anyone. Thousands of thoughts pass by when someone is on the path to take this extreme step. And remember no one wants to end their own life. Start the conversation, provide support and direct those in need. Consider informing their family or being with them until you find taking them out of this crisis.  
  • Don’t Dismiss Teenage MeloDrama- This age is the most vulnerable. New relationships, career choices and relations with family are most affected. If you see any signs in teenagers where they exhibit the wish to die, nothing matters, and I don’t care attitude, never ignore them. We all can prevent suicide by being a teacher, neighbour, friend, aunt and wellwisher.
  • Encouragement is the Key- Our views of life might differ from those in pain. However, encouragement always works if done the right way. Besides a healthy conversation, we can effortlessly exhibit how beautiful life can be. All this can happen by doing their favourite things together, loving more than ever and making them believe this world needs them.
  • Time will Change- Make them realize that time never remains the same. It’s grief and sorrow at one end and happiness and joyfulness at the other. Take them along on the journey where they feel isolated, lonely, worthless, and uncontended.


Suicide is a temporary feeling that one can deal with the right guidance. Such extremeness happens when there’s nobody to listen, understand and love. There’s no one in this world who’s alone. If not people, there’s almighty guiding us to cross over strenuous situations. And above all professional help that’s available 24x 7. 

Let’s talk, share, and cry together, but let’s not think it’s over. This life deserves celebration each day. Have an ear and ask someone if you can help. Listen, understand, and make them believe this world is kind enough to treasure and scour.  

This Life is our Biggest Blessing!


Shree Dembla

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