Understanding Channelling: A Journey into Higher Consciousness-Shree Dembla

In the ever-expanding landscape of spiritual exploration, the practice of channelling stands as a fascinating and profound phenomenon. Channelling, at its core, involves receiving and conveying messages from higher dimensional beings, spiritual entities, or even one’s higher self. These messages, often filled with wisdom, guidance, and insights, are believed to help individuals navigate their lives, enhance their spiritual growth, and contribute to the collective evolution of humanity.

The Essence of Channelling

Channelling is not a new concept; it has been part of human history for millennia. Ancient cultures revered shamans, oracles, and prophets who communicated with the spiritual realms. Today, channelling continues to evolve, with many modern practitioners offering their abilities to those seeking deeper understanding and connection.

At its essence, channelling involves entering an altered state of consciousness, where the channeler becomes a conduit for information from a non-physical source. This source could be a spirit guide, an angel, an extra-terrestrial being, or a collective consciousness. The channeler receives the information in various forms—words, images, sensations—and then translates it into comprehensible messages.

Types of Channelling

Channelling can take many forms, each unique in its process and outcome. Understanding these different types can provide a clearer picture of the practice:

1. Trance Channelling: In trance channelling, the channelled enters a deep meditative state, often losing awareness of their surroundings. In this state, the higher dimensional being can speak directly through the channeler, using their voice and body to convey messages. Edgar Cayce, known as the “Sleeping Prophet,” was famous for his trance channelling sessions, during which he provided profound insights on health, past lives, and future events.

2. Conscious Channelling: Unlike trance channelling, conscious channelling involves the channelled remaining fully aware and in control. They receive messages in a semi-conscious state, translating thoughts and impressions from the higher dimensional being into coherent speech or writing. Esther Hicks, who channels a group of beings known as Abraham, is a well-known conscious channeler. Her teachings on the Law of Attraction have inspired millions worldwide.

3. Automatic Writing: In automatic writing, the channeler allows their hand to move freely across a page, writing down messages from a higher source. The channeler often enters a light meditative state, creating a bridge between their conscious mind and the spiritual realm. Jane Roberts, who channelled an entity named Seth, used automatic writing to convey Seth’s teachings, which explore consciousness and the nature of reality.

4. Telepathic Channelling: This form involves receiving messages directly into the mind without any physical or verbal expression. The channeler “hears” or “feels” the messages internally and then shares them with others. Telepathic channelling can happen spontaneously or during intentional meditation sessions.

The Purpose and Benefits of Channelling

Channelling serves multiple purposes, all aimed at enhancing personal and collective growth. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Spiritual Guidance: Channelling provides access to profound spiritual wisdom that can guide individuals on their life paths. Whether seeking answers to personal questions or understanding broader spiritual concepts, channelling offers clarity and direction.

2. Healing and Empowerment: Many channelled messages focus on healing—physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. By receiving insights from higher dimensional beings, individuals can uncover and address underlying issues, leading to empowerment and transformation.

3. Connection with the Divine: Channelling helps individuals feel connected to something greater than them. This connection fosters a sense of belonging and purpose, enhancing their spiritual journey.

4. Global and Universal Insights: Channelling often provides insights into the collective evolution of humanity and the universe. These messages can inspire global change, promoting unity, peace, and higher consciousness.

Notable Channelers and Their Contributions

Throughout history, several prominent channelers have made significant contributions to the spiritual community. Here are a few notable examples:

• Edgar Cayce: Known as the “Sleeping Prophet,” Cayce provided thousands of readings on health, past lives, and future events while in a trance state. His work has influenced holistic health practices and spiritual exploration.

• Jane Roberts: Jane Roberts channelled Seth, whose teachings delve into the nature of reality, consciousness, and personal power. The Seth Material has been a cornerstone of the New Age movement.

• Esther Hicks: Through Esther Hicks, Abraham offers teachings on the Law of Attraction, emphasizing the power of thoughts and emotions in creating reality. Her work has inspired millions to manifest their desires.

• Neale Donald Walsh: Walsh’s “Conversations with God” series, which he claims to have channelled, explores deep spiritual questions and offers guidance on living a fulfilled and purposeful life.

• Lee Carroll: Carroll channels Kryon, a loving and wise entity who provides messages about human evolution and spiritual awakening. Kryon’s teachings have empowered individuals to embrace their spiritual potential.

• Darryl Anka: Anka channels Bashar, an extra-terrestrial being from the future. Bashar’s messages focus on self-empowerment, the nature of reality, and the importance of following one’s highest excitement to create a fulfilling life.

These individuals have channelled higher-dimensional beings to bring forth messages of empowerment, spiritual growth, and the evolution of human consciousness, contributing significantly to the spiritual awakening and transformation of many.

How to Begin Channelling

If you feel drawn to explore channelling, here are some steps to get started:

1. Meditation: Regular meditation practice helps quiet the mind and opens channels of communication with higher realms. Focus on deepening your connection with your inner self and the divine.

2. Set Intentions: Clearly state your intentions to connect with higher dimensional beings for guidance and wisdom. Approach the practice with respect and openness.

3. Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can meditate and channel without distractions. Use candles, crystals, or other items that enhance the energy of the space.

4. Trust and Allow: Trust the process and allow messages to come through without judgment. Initially, it might feel like your imagination, but with practice, the messages will become clearer and more distinct.

5. Record Your Experiences: Keep a journal to document your experiences, messages, and any insights you receive. This practice helps track your progress and deepens your understanding.

Final Thoughts

Channelling is a powerful tool for accessing higher wisdom and enhancing spiritual growth. Whether you seek personal guidance, healing, or a deeper connection with the divine, channelling offers profound insights and transformative experiences. By opening yourself to this practice, you can tap into a wealth of knowledge and support from higher dimensional beings, enriching your life and contributing to the collective evolution of humanity.


Shree Dembla

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